Skills for future success
The Financial Services Skills Commission is an independent, not for profit, member-led body, representing the UK’s financial services sector on skills. We work directly with the sector to ensure that businesses have the talent and skills they need for the future.
About us
Our aim is to ensure that the financial services sector has the talent and skills it needs for the future.

Forging Paths to Excellence
Through our work, we are addressing the major skills gaps impacting the sector, and finding solutions to issues around attracting and retaining talent.
Prioritise a reskilling approach, underpinned by improved long-term forecasting of future skills needs
Embed a reskilling approach by creation of actionable tools and content and sharing best practice
Broaden the pool of talent through improved attraction, recruitment, retention and diversity & inclusion
Act as the collective voice of the sector and convenor on skills matters
The Skills Challenge
Skills gaps in financial services are impacting on productivity, growth and competitiveness. Technological advancements, demographic shifts and changing consumer expectations are augmenting the skills that we need our people to have. Skills gaps have been growing and, if left unchecked, will limit our ability to innovate, grow and serve our customers.
of roles in the sector are highly-skilled compared with 52% in 2004
largest skills gap of any UK sector
of our people need to be upskilled
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Skills Gap Analysis Toolkit
The Skills Gap Analysis toolkit is designed to support Financial Services organisations identify the skills they will need in the future.
Reskilling Business Case
Reskilling staff can create cost savings of up to £49,100 per employee compared to recruiting or making a role redundant.
Future Skills Framework
This Framework identifies those skills where there are acute skills shortages or where there is rapid and growing demand.
Inclusion Measurement Guide
Our Inclusion Measurement Guide enables organisations to measure inclusion in three priority areas: analyse the behaviours and actions of employees, measure inclusion for the first time, as well as assist firms who are already using inclusion metrics to develop their existing data and analysis.
Future Skills Report 2023
This report highlights increasing demand for 13 future skills, including data analytics, cyber security, software development and coaching, identified by FS firms over the last 12 months as critical for the sector's sustainable growth.
Menopause in the Workplace: Impact on Women in Financial Services.
Menopause in the Workplace: Impact on Women in Financial Services reveals women's experiences of the menopause impacts their confidence to perform their role and the actions employers can take to support and retain these women.