Innovative collaboration
We work directly with the financial services sector to ensure that businesses have the talent and skills they need for the future.

We work with our members and a diverse network of stakeholders to address some of the major issues facing skills in financial services
The creation of the Commission was a key recommendation from the work of the the HMT-led Financial Services Skills Taskforce (2018-20) launched by former Chancellor, the Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP. The Taskforce identified the challenges that technology, demographic change and globalisation are having on the UK financial services sector and developed five recommendations to address these challenges. Read the taskforce report here.

Forging Paths to Excellence
Through our workstreams, we are addressing the major skills gaps impacting the sector, and finding solutions to issues around access to talent.
Prioritise a reskilling approach, underpinned by improved long-term forecasting of future skills needs
Embed a reskilling approach by creation of actionable tools and content and sharing best practice
Broaden the pool of talent through improved attraction, recruitment, retention and diversity & inclusion
Act as the collective voice of the sector and convenor on skills matters
Our work with
Through our workstreams, we are enabling a step change in the behaviour and practices of the financial services sector, to ensure future success. By collaborating with employers to tackle the skills and talent issues they face, we are building networks, developing best practice, and creating new insights to solve these challenges.
Government, Training Providers, regulators and sector bodies
While actions by employers are at the heart of our response to the challenges facing the sector, we know that we need a system-wide response too. Some skills, such as data analytics, AI and machine learning, are common across the industry. Our Future Skills Framework creates a clear statement of the sectors skills needs allowing training providers, education institutions and Chartered Professional Bodies to respond and better match provision to skills needs.

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