Diversity & Inclusion
We believe that a diverse workforce leads to an organisation that is more innovative, more creative and gets better results. Getting this right is at the heart of our purpose and we aim to reflect this approach in our own governance and role as an employer.
We have initiated an annual survey of our Board, Advisory Group and staff team. This survey was last completed in June 2021.

Access, Diversity & Inclusion Commitment
The FSSC is committed to improving the sector’s ability to secure the skills and talent needed for the future by widening access to opportunities and actively promoting diversity and inclusion. With our members representing one third of the UK’s financial services workforce, we are positioned to support a common ambition to collectively create a more inclusive and diverse workforce across financial services. The Commitment is built around a set of principles that will be used to drive tangible, practical actions that will help firms and the wider sector to attract, retain, and progress the skilled people we need for the future. We recognise that our members have their own internal D&I policies, and this sets a common direction of travel which all firms (regardless of business priorities, sizes and organisation models) can use to map their own D&I journey.
Download the Commitment
Diversity of our
Board as at July 2022
53% female 47% male
80% white 13% BAME 7% prefer not to disclose
Diversity of our
Advisory Group as at July 2022
60% female 40% male
87% white 13% BAME

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