We collaborate with our members to develop and build skills in financial services, whilst increasing the supply and diversity of talent within the sector. Our members represent key stakeholders from across the sector, including banking, insurance, investment, FinTech and professional services. Our members are integral to our work and highly involved in supporting us to deliver our workstreams.

Why join the Financial Services Skills Commission?
- Clarity on future skill and accreditation requirements, and more effective learning
- Increased labour flexibility and financial benefits of reskilling and retention, versus recruitment and redundancy costs
- Address skills shortages and increase supply and diversity of talent
- Greater ability to attract, motivate and retain top talent
- Improved reputation and understanding of FS purpose in supporting the economy and society
Member benefits:
- Influence our strategy and operations
- Participate in our workstreams
- Partner with us on research, publications and events
- Network with other senior industry leaders
- Clear leadership positioning in the skills debate
Interested in becoming a member?
If you are interested in joining the Commission as a Founder or Partner member, get in touch.
Founder members
Our founder members have direct influence over our strategy and operations and are integrally engaged in delivering our agenda and outputs. Founding members are eligible for to join our Board, input into and oversee our business plan, nominate representatives to participate in our workstreams and have their brand associated with our publications and events. Founder members include:

Partner Members
Our partner members influence our policy and strategy, are eligible to take up a position on our advisory group and can nominate representatives to participate in up to two of our workstreams. Partner members will receive invitations to events and copies of publications as well as regular networking opportunities with senior colleagues from across the sector focused on a similar agenda. Partner members include:
