December 2020
Financial Services Skills Commission partners with Odgers Berndtson to develop new research into future leadership skills in financial services

We are pleased to announce a new research partnership with executive search and leadership development firm Odgers Berndtson.
We will look at the changing skills requirements for leadership teams and boards in financial services, and will take into consideration the impact of geo-political events and circumstances, including Covid-19; technology, automation and digitisation; demographic change; inclusion and diversity; and climate change.
The research aims to understand how these factors are influencing skills, knowledge and behaviours required for the future, and will engage a range of financial services business leaders to establish findings.
The research will form a key part of the findings of our work to build a future skills framework and increase investment in skills. By understanding the future skills required by the sector, we can better tailor the skills framework to ensure it will deliver the skills needed in future by workers at all levels.
The study will take place over the next few months, with results to be published in Spring 2021.
If you would like to hear more about this research contact us at: