Building skills in financial services
Our work is focused on building skills in the financial
services sector.

We are working directly with businesses to ensure that the sector has the talent and skills it needs for the future.
Our collaborative working model and four workstreams are addressing the sector’s skills gaps and seeking solutions to enable the recruitment, retention and development of a more inclusive and diverse workforce.
Our workstreams
address three objectives
1 Augment and update the skills of the workforce by adopting and embedding a reskilling approach
a) Achieve a mindset shift to prioritise a reskilling approach, underpinned by improved long-term forecasting of future skills needs
b) Embed a reskilling approach by creation of actionable tools and content and sharing best practice
To achieve this, we support our members to:
Remain at the forefront of skills needs forecasting for financial services and publish an annual forecast of the sectors skills needs.
Improve long-term skills forecasting across the sector, embedding a rigorous approach.
Make the case for investing in reskilling upskilling/cross skilling and a culture of continuous learning, influencing industry leaders, sharing best practice.
Define the future skill requirements via a Future Skills Framework and promote adoption by firms and key stakeholders.
Improve the learning culture in the sector.
Develop principles to support learning pathways and routes to future skills, with the aim of driving increased access.
2 Broaden the pool of talent through improved attraction, recruitment, retention, and diversity and inclusion
To achieve this, we support our members to:
Improve attraction, recruitment and retention for future skills.
Increase access to talent with future skills by understanding how improved diversity and inclusion can broaden talent pool.
Work with stakeholders to build relevant skills in the potential and future workforce.
3 Act as the collective voice of the sector and convenor on skills matters
To achieve this, we:
Put in place mechanisms for constructive dialogue and engagement with education sectors, government and other stakeholders advocating for change.
Represent the sector on skills and deliver added value for members.
Act as a convenor on skills in financial services, representing the sector through comprehensive membership.